The People's House: A White House Experience

Now open at 1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Carpe Librum Pop-up Bookstore

1901 L St NW

Golden Triangle Welcomes First Residents

DC’s First Major Office to Residential Conversion Cuts Ribbon

Downtown Action Plan Highlights Released

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Washington D.C. Ranked 3rd Most Walkable City

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The Heart of DC's Business District

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The Golden Triangle is a great place to work, and it’s continually changing and improving.

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What We Do

We encourage economic development through capital improvement projects, engaging events, and public art projects.

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About Us

The BID provides a clean, safe, and vibrant environment and works to retain and attract businesses.

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The Golden Triangle is home to more than 550 of DC’s best restaurants, shops, bars, parks, and more—just minutes from major DC attractions.