Golden Spike first made its way to the Golden Triangle neighborhood as a key part of the groundbreaking collaboration between the Golden Triangle BID and the Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Renwick Gallery No Spectators: Beyond the Renwick in 2018. The sculpture explores the intersections between man-made invention and human evolution and combines the grace and elegance of lace pattern work with the sharpness and angularity of geometric forms.
This artwork is a marvel of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM), and it encourages intrigue and inquiry in one of the BID’s most popular thoroughfares. Extending the original participatory nature of No Spectators: Beyond the Renwick through the installation of Golden Spike at one of the pocket parks, we aim to engage and educate the public on the importance of art in all realms of human invention and communication.
HYBYCOZO is the collaborative studio of Serge Beaulieu and Yelena Filipchuk. HYBYCOZO is short for The Hyperspace Bypass Construction Zone and represents the artists ongoing journey investigating the myriad dimensions of geometry.