WASHINGTON, D.C.–March 8, 2016–The Golden Triangle Business Improvement District (www.goldentriangledc.com) is bringing a bit of warmth to the winter landscape by adorning 125 flower beds in downtown Washington with the winning poetry from the spring-themed Golden Haiku Contest, the second annual temporary community literary art project. The enthusiastic response from haiku writers resulted in more than 900 haiku submitted, compared to 400 submissions last year.
The grand prize was awarded to Kala Ramesh of India for her spring-themed haiku:
spring breeze
the sari slides down
her shoulder
Second place was awarded to Peter Newton:
almost spring
the florist waters
her sidewalk
Third place was awarded to Meik Blöttenberger:
green heart
inside a twig
broken off
There also were 96 runners-up. All selected haiku and a map of the 125 display locations are available at goldentriangledc.com/haiku.
An expert panel of judges reviewed the submissions and selected the winning haiku. The judges included Abigail Friedman, author, I Wait for the Moon and The Haiku Apprentice; Roberta Beary, author, The Unworn Necklace and Deflection; and David McAleavey, author, The Huge Haiku.
“The Golden Haiku Contest is a great example of how we engage the community through public art,” said Leona Agouridis, executive director, Golden Triangle BID. “Many people who work in the area still talk about last year’s haiku signs in the tree boxes that line the streets. This year we have increased the amount of different haiku we display to provide more poems for the community to enjoy.”
The top winner receives a $500 gift card to Tiny Jewel Box; second place receives a $200 gift card to Grooming Lounge; and the third place winner receives a $100 gift card to Chocolate Chocolate.
The Golden Haiku Contest is one of many Golden Triangle BID initiatives to improve the public space in the neighborhood. During the next few months, the Golden Triangle will host its signature landscaping event, the Golden Streets Contest. This event provides a unique community engagement experience by showcasing the beautiful tree gardens throughout the neighborhood. The Golden Triangle BID hosts more than 120 free outdoor events annually, including Farragut Fridays and the TriFit free exercise classes offered weekly through the summer.
About Golden Triangle BID
The Golden Triangle BID is a non-profit organization that works to enhance DC’s Central Business District from the White House to Dupont Circle and 16th Street NW to New Hampshire Avenue NW. The BID’s primary focus is to provide a clean, safe and friendly environment within its 43 blocks of public space for area workers, local residents and visitors.
Adam Shapiro